That's me as Dora. Please ask.
- You can call me, 'Q.' It's short for curious.
- I am from California sunshine and earthquakes (Bay Area to be exact).
- I enjoy the sound of velcro.
- I can do a crazy amount of celebrity and cartoon impressions.
- I cried off stage while reciting a poem about a turtle...and why do American Idol auditions make me cry too?
- I can beatbox better than your mom.
- I stole my Dad's corduroys and Hawaiian shirts to wear to school.
- I'll beat any video game for you.
- Thanks to my daughter, I may randomly bust out in a Disney song.
- I'm a huge Golden State Warriors and basketball fan.
Also, I firmly believe it all starts with a Question and that one letter can make a difference. (Yay, puns!)
I'd love to show you. I have 300 minutes on my cell phone plan. Let's use them all.
I'll accept pic messages too. Unless your name is Anthony Weiner or Brett Favre. Are they still a thing?
Hawaiian Lion stays classy.